Sunday, March 24, 2013

Its been a while...

Sooooo extremely sorry that I haven't been keeping you guys updated with our european travels! Since the last time I wrote, we have been to Barcelona, Paris and Italy. I guess you could say we have a lot of catching up to do. 

Barcelona~ GREATEST CITY EVER! I know I haven't been to every city in the world to compare it to other but this place blows every city out of the water. The only bad thing I can say was the you would think it would be on the warmer side of the weather spectrum being in Spain and everything, but it was FREEZING. Nobody was prepared for the winter weather even though we went in February. Whatever it was still amazing. We went to a FC Barcelona game vs. Seville. I literally have millions of pictures of Messi just school people with no effort. The night life is another awesome but scary part of the city. Barcelona is rated #4 in the world for night life so you could say the boys and I were more than pumped to go out. So we got ready, left the hotel at 12am, somehow met english girls studying abroad (one of whom I found out lives the next town over from my home town) ((small world)) and headed out to this club called Opium. Oh and to top it off, it was pouring out. Long story short, we got soaking wet from massive lines trying to get into the club (even after cutting the line a few times), couldn't get into the club due to over capacity and ended up going to a club that I have no idea what the name is. The club we got into was huge too and the girls said Opium was 5 times bigger and better. Needless to say we were very exhausted come Sunday because we got a total of 12 hours of sleep from Thursday till Sunday. I LOVE BARCELONA!

Paris~ We knew Paris would be awesome for the architecture and atmosphere but not so much for the night life like Barcelona. First off, Wentworth put us in a children hostel. (like middle schoolers) So you can understand our frustration when we were told that the hostel gate closed at 1am. If you guessed that we would have problems in this hostel you were RIGHT. Each night we would have to fight with the guard at like 4am to let us in to sleep. We also got "shhht" a lot. Place suckkedddd! The red light district was fun though. The last night we found ourselves in the red light district in an Irish bar with Northeastern girls listening,  no screaming Shipping up to Boston! Everyone else in the club was watching us in fright, probably thinking we were going to start some type of riot because we were THAT excited!

Italy~ Last week was our spring break. Unfortunately our "week" break really means from Thursday till Monday. But my parents and Ty and Travs family both met us in Rome. It was awesome because coincidentally our hotels were a 5 minute walk from each other. We were able to eat dinner the nights we stayed in Rome together. Both sets of parents will now not shut up about how awesome the other couple is. After 2 days in Rome my parents and I then went to Florence. Tuscany was a beautiful place but the city of Florence got boring quick. So the second day we decided to take a train to Pisa and climb the tower. Let me tell you...the Leaning tower really means when you climb up the however many stairs the tower has in it, you are REALLY leaning from side to side. I thought it would have been harder to walk up it rather than down. But its quite difficult to walk down. From Pisa we fought off the gypsies on the train and managed to get to Venice. Venice is the coolest city. Its unlike anywhere else in the world. We arrived by train and got a water taxi to the front steps of our hotel. If you don't already know, my mom is a big church person. So needless to say we went to mass on Sunday. This was probably the first Sunday, ever, that I was excited because we went to the Saint Marco Basilica. This church is one of the most gorgeous buildings I have ever seen. Pictures don't even do justice. You really have to get to Venice to understand. The rest of my time in the city, we roamed around and just got lost. SO LOST! One common, random theme that kept showing up everywhere was masks. I finally had to ask someone why and found out that every February they have a week of a Venetian Carnival where everyone walks around in extravagant masks. Its creepy but hey I wouldn't not participate if I were around. 

Next weekend Ty, Trav, Nick, Lee and I are going to Portugal! I will try to update after the weekend and tell some good stories that happen because we all know there will be something funny or stupid one of does. I will also try to update facebook photos because I have way too many photos for the other site.

Until next time mes amies.